• Marketing Campaigns – Testing Your Variables

    Date: 2011.02.24 | Category: Promotion | Response: 0

    Irrespective of the medium, an online advertising campaign needs to be tested and optimized constantly in order to provide you with the optimum results. This is where advertising testing can play an important role in your marketing strategy. Despite the advantages to testing your online marketing campaigns, relatively few companies actually go out of their way to see what what works, what doesn’t and, more importantly, why.

    Steps To Testing Your Ad Campaign.

    1) Set expectations as to how you envisage your campaign to perform. This in itself will guide you’re optimization methods. An example of this is, if you expect your ad medium to get a 15% click thru rate or a, 10% conversion rate, you have justification in making adjustments to your campaign if the creative you are using does not perform to your level of expectation.

    2) Don’t get tied into a campaign, If you are going to be purchasing an advertising campaign on a resource site, ensure you have an ‘out clause’. This out clause will enable you to terminate the campaign as long as it has run for a set amount of time, usually, many resources will be happy to give you an out clause especially, if after testing your marketing materials, the results you were hoping for have still not shown themselves.

    3) Consider the variables in your ad campaign, usually, webmasters only think of the one variable in their advertising campaign – Price. However, there are many more variables to be looked at for example, if you are doing a mail drop, the subject line of the email, format and, copy text of the email body itself, all of these things can have a drastic effect on any given advertising campaign, at any given time and often, these can, and most probably will, fluctuate from site to site where you are purchasing ad space.

    4) Stats tracking, tracking your campaign makes it easier to test and review how your advertising medium is working for you, many sites offer live stats for your ad campaigns however, some still do not, where this isn’t a problem in itself as, most companies you choose to advertise with will be more than happy to provide you with statistics as and when you need them after all, you are paying for their services and support.

    5) Pull the plug on campaigns that are not performing, however, ensure you have changed your creative several times before doing so, often, you will find a simple change such as a new creative can drastically increase your marketing efforts. Also, do not just pull advertising as you feel like it, if your campaign has only been active for a week, don’t expect hundred / thousands of hits instantly, often it takes webmasters a while to realize there are new ad mediums running on the sites they visit so often.

    Online Advertising – Review.

    By constantly assessing and testing your advertising campaigns you can pull some interesting figures which can help you long term however, don’t rush into pulling campaigns that you have only just started. Give it a few days, change your copy text and creatives and, if that doesn’t work talk to the company, they will be able to offer you advice and help on improving your sales from your advertising medium after all, they want to keep your business.

    Article written by Lee

  • The Death Of The AVS – The Birth Of The AEN (Adult Entertainment Network)

    Date: 2011.02.24 | Category: General, Promotion, Sponsors, WebDesign | Response: 0

    Well after a long and tedious few months of speculation, rumors and facts being presented to those of us in the adult industry working on AEN sites (Formerly known as AVS sites) it seems that Visa has put a strain on AEN companies to start re-working and, renaming their sites to fall under the ‘Adult Entertainment Network’ name. What does this mean to us as webmasters and, more importantly to the industry as a whole? This is what we shall address in this article.

    A Little Visa History Lesson.

    This whole mess started in October of 2002 when, jointly, CCBill, Epoch and, iBill issued a new set of operating guidelines that had been passed onto them by Visa. In effect, this meant that 3rd party credit card processors had to be re-classified as an ‘IPSP’ or ‘Internet Payment Service Provider’ this also in turn meant that webmasters needed to start paying ‘fees’ to Visa (via their IPSP) in order to continue charging their surfers for access to products and services by using Visa issued credit and / or debit cards.

    In addition to the initial $750 however, there is also a need to pay an ongoing fee of $375, two thirds of this fee goes directly to Visa and, the remaining balance goes to issuing banks and IPSP’s for administrative charges.

    Shortly after this announcement was made the industry then got dealt another blow by the processing companies, this time, in the form of Paypal announcing they would no longer accept any adult orientated payment through their system. This went into effect on May 12th 2003 and, after initial speculations as to what could and could not be charged to Paypal accounts, it seemed to be the final nail in the coffin for some of the smaller webmasters.

    However, the adult industry is strong and rallied together getting as much information as possible about alternates to both of the above situations and companies such as Stormpay and off-shore IPSP’s started to see an increase in revenues from adult payments.

    As The Waves Settled – The Next Blow.

    Given all of the financial troubles of the previous 10 months in respect of online adult payments the industry as a whole started to settle itself again, of course there was the usual posting on forums, conversion ratio and shaving discussions happening on the main forums as there always was but, in addition to these conversations more rumors started, this time, regarding the AVS business model.

    Almost as quickly as these rumors started however, they seemed to have fizzled out into nothing but a distant memory but, two months later after the first round of initial conversations on the adult industry message forums, the same AVS business model was dealt another devastating blow.

    It seems Visa has its sights set on AVS (Age Verification Service / Systems) with a press release being issued first by Sex Key, then by Free Age Card, which was followed by similar announcements from Global Male Pass and Gay Passport informing adult webmasters that they had 2 days to make their current AVS sites conform to the new requirements set down by Visa.

    These requirements were that.

    1) Adult webmasters can no longer use the term ‘AVS’ on their sites.
    2) Adult webmasters can no longer use the term ‘Adult Verification Service’ or ‘Age Verification Service’ on their sites.
    3) Adult webmasters can no longer state that surfers joining up to their AVS will have ‘Access to thousands of other AVS protected sites’.

    As usual Adult Webmasters started to question the reasons behind this sudden and apparent change of AVS rules on almost every forum and, whilst most questions went unanswered the one thing that was answered (honestly) was that these new rules had been set down by current AVS IPSP’s who, had had these rules issued tot hem by Visa.

    So, webmasters started to change out their tour page text to conform to these new rules and, for the most part, it seemed like that was all that was needed to be ‘safe’ working the AVS business model. Little did they know…

    One Last Blow To The AVS Webmasters.

    Several days after the initial press releases from some of the top AEN (Formerly AVS) companies was made it seems that in between all of the posting ont he boards yet another issues comes to light – That Visa is aiming to have AVS webmasters now pay a $750 fee for the benefit of being able to keep using this business model as stated by Craig Tant (Sex Key) ‘we believe is that every site will have to be registered and pay the $750.’

    This beleif, although somewhat vague tends to draw conclusions that, through no fault of their own, the AVS / AEN business model in the adult industry as we currently know it is changing and, changing for the worse. If webmasters are forced to pay Visa a $750 registeration fee per AEN system or per AEN site then a lot of todays industry leaders are going to come unstuck, especially those that focus solely on the AVS / AEN model for the primary source of income.

    Adult Entertainment Networks – What’s Next?

    This is the question that is currently being asked by many webmasters and, the truth of the matter is simply that nobody knows – Except for Visa, the next few days, weeks and months are going to be telling on the industry as a whole from what happens to current sites inside the AVS / AEN companies websites to what happens when surfers start to propagate back onto the adult internet looking for their fix of high quality porn, two things however are definitive throughout all of this, Visa is homing in on the adult industry and, every webmaster needs to be concerned about what will happen next.

    Article written by Lee

  • Building A Surfer Trap – Stage 1

    Date: 2011.02.21 | Category: Traffic | Response: 0

    The last 2 weeks I have had a LOT of webmasters email and ICQ me regarding traffic and, not getting any sales.

    So, I thought it would be a good idea to make a step by step tutorial on building your own surfer trap.

    Now these are some of the arguments I have heard why people haven’t already built one over the last few weeks…

    * To complicated to follow.
    * I want surfers returning to my site.
    * Don’t have the time.

    The first two however seem to be the ones that I hear over and over again.

    First of all, a surfer trap IS NOT complicated, in fact, it is probably one of, if not THE easiest type of site to build.

    Secondly, Why get a surfer visiting your site over and over again if they are not paying for trial memberships? All you are doing is wasting your bandwidth.

    Thirdly, A surfer trap can be built over a period of time, my very first trap was built within 1 hour my next was built in a day and my next one was built in a week.

    So onto the start of building our surfer trap…

    The first thing that I want you to do is to look at the Multi-Site FPA’s that ARS in the marketing section and choose ONE of them.

    Download it, optimize the keywords on the FPA, make sure you add meta tags, titles descriptions and Alt tags on all images.

    Once you have done this, you now need to search through ALL of the single site FPA’s and download and optimize one for each of the ARS sites that you have on your Multi-Site FPA. (Even the gay sites!)

    This should take you 2-5 minutes for EACH FPA, any longer than that and you are doing TOO much work!

    Once you have all of the single FPA’s downloaded, optimized and uploaded onto your server that is the first stage completed.

    Article written by Lee

  • Content – Keeping your members coming back for more

    Date: 2011.02.22 | Category: Content | Response: 0

    We know that the first battle for pay site owners is getting the traffic and the signups. But, sometimes this becomes such a focus that we forget the other battle: keeping members interested once you have them. When people pay for a membership to a site they are expecting to get their money’s worth. In return for their monthly fee they are looking for a site that encompasses quality, variety and originality.

    As the web grows, so does the online entertainment industry. Four or five years ago there was only a handful of pay sites around compared to the thousands and thousands that are on the net today. Back then, you could literally put any kind of content on your sites and you would have membership, there just was not much choice out there for the connoisseur of porn. Now, potential members are more informed, they know what is out there, they know what they like, and they know what they want to see.

    What has to be done to cater to these more discriminating porn shoppers? You have to give them what they want. Here are some useful tips for choosing a content provider and/or content for your pay sites that will keep the members coming back for more:

    Go for the exclusive content.

    You want to be able to provide your members with something that is fairly fresh and that is not pasted on every pay site on the Internet. The last thing a potential buyer wants to see is a site that is a carbon copy of half the sites out there.

    Choose leased content.

    Choosing leased content over buying CD’s is a good way to keep your site fresh. Most leased content providers will update their content on a bi-monthly or monthly basis. As well, with leased content, it is just a matter of adding the feed into your site. This alleviates the need for extensive extra graphic design work.

    Have a wide variety of content.

    Make sure that your site has a little bit of everything a potential member could want: pictures, videos, live feeds, etc. The more you have the better. Many content providers have great package deals available that will include all of these things all set up and ready to put on a site.

    Choose a reputable content provider.

    You want to make sure that when you choose a content provider that you do not just go for the best deal out there. You want to also look at things like: how much bandwidth they provide, what their technical support is like and last but not least, do they have good customer service.

    These are just but a few helpful suggestions to follow when choosing content for your pay site. There are certainly many ways to achieve a high rate of member retention. One thing that many of our customers tell us is that they find that having a least one voyeur feed on their site great for keeping the members coming back for more. Laura’s Condo, one of our voyeur feeds, has one of the best member retention rates around. Visitors get attached to the girls, develop a rapport with them and they do not want to lose that. Hence, they will keep renewing to be able to keep their relationship going with their favorite girl.

    The number one thing that pay site owners must remember is that members equal money and in order to keep the cash flow rolling in they must keep the members interested and give them what they want. By spending a little extra money to get high quality exclusive content, you will actually be putting more money in recurring memberships back in your pocket at the end of the day.

    Article written by Meredith Murray

  • Anime Adult Content – Why Is It So Hard To Find?

    Date: 2011.02.21 | Category: Content | Response: 0

    I have been asked by many people to explain the Anime/Toon niche, why the content is so hard to find, and why it is more expensive than other content. So to that end, I am writing this article in hopes that it will answer those questions and perhaps others.

    First of all, it might be good to review the terms used for this niche. Some of these you may be familiar with, others may be new. In Japan, the term used to discuss or describe “pretty young girls” is “bishoujo” (pronounced “bee-shoh-jo”) This term can be seen (or heard) in any advertisement or publication that covers such works. This literally means “pretty young girl” or “pretty girl” – or, if you like, we might also translate this as
    “fair lady”. In Japanese, “bi-” means “beauty” or “beautiful” and “shoujo” means “girl” or “young girl” (note the long “o” sound… the short “o” word, “shojo”, means “maiden” or “virgin”, so it has a different meaning altogether.) With respect to terms such as “ecchi”, “hentai” or “sukebe”, the meanings tend to be a matter of degrees. The first term is the most commonly used – we’d say “naughty” or something similar, meaning naughty in a sexual sense of being naughty. “Hentai” or “sukebe”, on the other hand, are extremely rude terms to use – they do not mean just “adult” as some people think, and they do not even only mean “perverted” or “perverted in a sexual sense”. They imply “sexual pervert” in an extremely negative connotation – the type of thing we might scream “LECHER!” or “RAPIST!” or “STALKER!” about, for example. Since Japan places great importance on levels of politeness, speaking out loud about “hentai” or “sukebe” is not something that is normally done – it’s perhaps equivalent to walking down a street or sidewalk in America and swearing out loud like a trooper. In Japanese popular culture works such as anime, manga, and games, the terms tend to be used as exclamations of insult or disgust to elicit a comedic response from the audience – we do the same in some of our mature comedies that contain comments or situations that would never truly happen in real life. The common misuse of the term “hentai” is somewhat similar to the formerly common misuse of the term “Japanimation”. It took a lot of work over many years to get the general public to learn the simple term “anime” and get stores to replace signage to read “anime” rather than “Japanimation” – to this day, there are still various dealers or stores or sites that use “Japanimation” and do not understand the term “anime”. Manga refers to “comic books” or illustrated erotic stories; most manga that is created in Japan is done in the traditional black and white, or pen and ink style.

    Now here in the United States we commonly use Anime or Hentai to describe all art that is done in the Japanese style, and use the word cartoon to describe what we traditionally think of as American animation, such as Disney, Batman, Tom & Jerry, or my favorite The Road Runner. J In the Adult business however, “toons” basically covers anything other than Anime. It is difficult to change the traditional mindset since it is so embedded in our vocabulary, so much so that I even list content under hentai on my site, simply because no one knows to look or ask for ecchi or bishoujo. But webmasters are learning through research and articles such as this, to market the products by their proper names more and more, which will make it easier to break into markets other than North America.

    Now on the subject of why the content is so rare and hard to find with legal web license. Japanese artists and companies are very hesitant to strike deals outside of their country when it comes to their artworks. The reason for this has a lot to do with the enormous amount of piracy on the web of these images. In Japan, single images which we think of as normal content for galleries, is extremely rare. Most images that can be seen throughout the net and the newsgroups come from Japanese Animated movies and video games. These images or stills are lifted directly from the movie or game and are traded freely among fansites and newsgroups with total disregard to the artists or developers. Unfortunately, there are also places out there that sell or lease these images as well, so know your provider! Now of course, this is not a phenomena that plagues only this niche as we know, but the Japanese are very sensitive about it, and that is why they hesitate to license out their single image artwork. There are a few content companies out there that have such images available, but the number is limited. Of course there are hopes and plans to expand their availability soon. J

    Because such content is not readily available in large amounts from Japan, other content has to be created to fill a need for legal content in the adult industry. And the creation of that content is what makes it more expensive than your normal picture content. For anime or cartoon content, an artist must create an original image from his or her imagination, they must sketch the image, and color and shade the image, then scan the image and ready it for display on the net. With the obvious exception of what is known as CGI (computer generated images) each image is hand drawn and colored and can take an artist anywhere from several hours to days to complete. He or she can not just click a button on a camera and walk away with 200 or so images for a days work. So when you are buying anime or toon content, you are truly paying for a piece of art (with web license!). If you spent all day designing, building and painting a birdhouse for example, would you sell it for less than you put into it? Remember to, that the return on an investment in high quality anime/toon content can much higher than average photo content, simply because the niche is so hot and members are very loyal when they find what they like. It only takes one per sign up sale at any of the big sponsors out there to pay for a set of 25 images, and there are a lot of sponsors to choose from now too! The past year has seen a huge addition of Anime and Toon pay sites; because the sponsors know there is money in this niche!

    Another great source of revenue from this niche is the very games and movies of which I wrote earlier. RPG Adult Anime games are hugely popular as are the large libraries of animated films imported from Japan. Translated into English and affordably priced, up sales on these items are great way to add income to the traffic you already have! For more information on this, just drop me an email.

    I hope this has helped you understand this niche a bit better, and helps you appreciate the work that goes into it. I love this particular niche, and not only because I sell the content, but because of its uniqueness and beauty.

    Article written by Bestat.


  • Fighting Back Against Computer Viruses

    Date: 2011.02.22 | Category: General | Response: 0

    Only 10 years ago, the only way that a virus could have infected your computer was through you physically putting a floppy disk into your hard drive and running the program file that initiated the virus however, today’s viruses have become more complex in how they operate and, can spread like wild fire if they are not recognized as a virus doing damage not only to your computer but that of your associates and peers.

    So how do we minimize the risk of virus infection on our computers which, lets face it, for the Adult Webmaster are our livelihood and, need to be protected at all cost. This is what we will take a brief look at in this article, how to minimize the risk of getting a computer virus and, heaven forbid, how to deal with a virus if you actually have one on your machine already.

    Computer Viruses – A Little History.

    1981 – The first widely accepted computer virus is recognized. The ‘Elk Cloner’ virus was spread through floppy disks and, whilst by today’s standards, it was not a high risk virus it, non the less was still a virus, in fact, all this first virus did was to display a message on your computer screen.

    1991 – The ‘Tequila’ virus was the first recognized ‘polymorphic virus’ meaning, it was the first virus which actually altered its state once on your machine in order to remain undetected.

    2001 – 2001 saw the spawn of several highly potent ‘worm’ orientated viruses from the ‘Gnuman’ virus, the ‘LogoLogic Worm’ and the famed (is that the right word?) ‘Nimda worm’. These ‘worms’ were the first of their kind to actually spread themselves across the World Wide Web through infecting users email clients (specifically Outlook Express) and sending itself to every email address the infected machine had in the address book.

    Virus Infections – Prevention Better Than Cure.

    So we now have a little background on the main viruses over the last 20 years we will take a look at the ways in which we can prevent viral infections on our computers after all, as the subtitle for this paragraph says, a prevention is far better than having to find a cure.

    Here are a few simple ways you can help to prevent the spread and infection of computer viruses.

    1) Install a good anti-virus software package on ALL of your computers, Norton and, Mcafee, both have some good products to aid you in preventing viral infections of your PC. Also, you should ensure the software package you do install has updated virus definitions, a new virus is created almost every week so you need to ensure your software keeps up-to-date on the latest infections.

    2) Scan any and all email attachments you receive, irrespective of whether you know the sender or not, anything that you get sent in an email should be scanned, as mentioned above, there are complex viruses that can ‘send’ themselves from other peoples email address book, what happens if you are on the address book of an infected users computer? Can you afford not to be online?

    3) Ensure that, once you have an Anti virus program installed on your machine that you have it setup to start each and every time that your computer boots, the first thing that should be loading on your machine is an anti-virus program, you only have one chance to prevent infection.

    4) Avoid downloading .exe and .com files to your desktop unless, you know the person you are downloading the files from and, even then, before you launch or open the files ensure you scan them independently.

    Virus Prevention – Overview.

    Hopefully this article will have given you some insight into how you can protect both your computer and the computers of your associates and peers from computer viruses and, hopefully, by following the guidelines within this article your time spent online will be productive and virus free. One thing you should remember however is that no matter how hard we all try to remain virus free, someone will create a new program that ultimately, could infect our machines no matter how hard we try.

    Article written by Lee

  • Pay Per Click Or Search Engine Optimization

    Date: 2011.02.24 | Category: Paid Traffic, Search Engine Optimization | Response: 0

    What would you choose to run your business? Well each has their own benefits and drawbacks over one another.

    PPC or SEO The Breakdown.

    Pay Per Click or, PPC as it is most often referred to looks to the novice to be the better option for ‘immediate’ traffic results, you enter your desired keywords, place your minimum / maximum bid amount and you are set for top PPC engine listings for as long as you can maintain the balance in your engine account.

    Search Engine Optimization or, SEO on the other hand, is the more traditional way of attaining high ranking search engine pages. Either you or an SEO expert optimizes your websites pages and random other elements of your website and hopefully within a month or two, you achieve high rankings in the major search engines.

    So Which One? PPC or SEO?

    Generally speaking, SEO work is most commonly more cost effective to your business than utilizing PPC results to gain your traffic, you could pay an SEO expert anywhere from $500 plus to optimize your site and get high rankings indefinitely or, you could put that $500 into a PPC engine account and get high rankings until such time as your account balance runs dry.

    But lets look at this in terms of actual traffic…

    Say you get 1000 visitors to your SEO based website which you paid $500 for, each visitor has cost you $0.50c now lets say your site remains at the top of the engines for a few months perhaps even years each month you receive another 1000 visitors to your site, you have basically cut the cost of each surfer hitting your site down to less than a penny per hit (not taking into account bandwidth costs obviously).

    Now, on the other hand, you want to attract 1000 visitors from your chosen keywords via the PPC engines, most Pay Per Click search engines have a minimum bid amount of $0.05c per hit so right away in your first month, you could receive a potential 10k hits however, as most of you who have already tried your hand at the PPC engines will know, getting 10k hits for one or more keyword at a cost of $0.05 is hard to do, in fact, some would say almost impossible. Non the less let us keep going with this minimum bid amount for the time being.

    Immediately, you can see that you are already restricted to the actual amount of traffic you can receive from the PPC results to 10k hits however, this isn’t the case with the SEO traffic, you could potentially hit your top chosen keyword and stay there until another site out-optimizes you or, your site needs to be optimized again.

    Ultimately, the reasons you will choose over one or the other will be for either ease of traffic generation, PPC will allow you to gain almost instantaneous targeted traffic form the second you open your PPC account up until the point when your account funds empty whilst, SEO work will give you long term targeted traffic over time and, in most instances, this SEO traffic can last for years making the cost of the initial SEO work minimal.

    In Closing..

    Search Engine Optimization can last you years and years whilst Pay Per Click results can diminish in a relatively short amount of time depending on the amount of bid needed to achieve top listings.

    However lets look at a third option, using both PPC results and SEO results in conjunction with each other to minimize the traffic you lose from your SEO work and, to minimize the traffic you lose from your PPC results this will afford you the time to see what works with your Search Engine Optimized sites whilst being able to play with the targeting of keywords on your PPC traffic, once you have both types of search engine figured out, you can put them both together and use them to increase the traffic to your site for years to come.

    Article written by Lee

  • Online Adult Laws – Privacy Policies

    Date: 2011.02.23 | Category: General | Response: 0

    To many webmasters and companies working online the fundamental basics of their business is to turn a profit through effective online marketing campaigns and promotions however, within all of this profit making there is a side of business that is so often overlooked or, forgotten entirely, what is this business practice? The law.

    In this brief article we will take a look at one such law that comes into effect in California on the 1st July 2004 namely, that all ‘web sites that collect any personal information from consumers to post a privacy policy’. Whilst this in itself is the first law of its kind in the United States it is worth mentioning that this is only a State law that affects California however, that said, where one state starts, others are sure to follow especially considering the huge potential left for the growth of the internet.

    Privacy Policies – How Does This Effect You?

    The main factor that you must take into consideration with this new law from California is that, because the Internet is truly global, you have no way of telling where one of your surfers are coming from thus, a surfer entering your site from California, may be making you break the law by not displaying a privacy policy should you collect their information. Incidentally, this new privacy policy law does not state what ‘collected’ information requires you to post a policy however, it would seem that personal information such as addresses, phone numbers and email addresses would be the primary target of this new Californian online law.

    Privacy Policies – The Basics.

    So what is a privacy policy, in essence, it is a document informing your site visitors / customers that any information you collect from them, including user submitted information will be used in a specific way, this might be a case of solely being used by yourself or, specifically if you rent out this information you need to tell your surfers / customers exactly who you are renting this information to.

    Privacy Policies – Overview.

    Whether you collect personal information from you site visitors or not the one thing that makes sense is to have a page created ready for the 1st July 2004 so that you can have it online for when you need it, perhaps storing this page on a central domain and linking to that page from all of your other web sites would be the best method to go as far as ensuring you are covered from prosecution or, perhaps creating a keyword rich privacy policy which you can get listed in the search engines is the way to go after all, just because this will become a legal requirement for you it does not mean that you cant profit from the potential traffic going to that page.

    Article written by Lee

  • Mirroring Adult Sites – Stage One.

    Date: 2011.02.23 | Category: Promotion, Tutorials | Response: 0

    In this next series of tutorials I will be exploring the benefits of utilizing your existing content to build more sites in the least amount of time possible, in fact, after you have completed the steps in this tutorial series you should be able to build over 20 types of site within 5 minutes using a single set of 50 pictures.

    So, onto the start of our tutorial.

    Stage one in this tutorial is something we have ALL done before, so what you need to do is this…

    Build a 50 pic free site, this is using a lot more content than a ‘standard’ free site however, what we are actually going to be making is a set of AVS sites and several TGP galleries, along with some SE pages and also some links list mirrored pages using this set of 50 images by building just ONE site! Sounds impossible? It isn’t… read on….

    Your site should have the following on it:

    1) Warning Page (index.html)
    2) Menu Page (menu.html)
    3) Gallery Pages (5 galleries of ten pictures called gallery1.html, gallery2.html etc)
    4) HTML Large image pages x 50 (picpage1.html, picpage2.html, etc.)
    5) Multi Site FPA (fpa.html)

    Now lets break these individual pages down into sets of instructions for each:

    Warning Page.

    This should have your standard warning text placed on it, along with an enter AND an exit link. The ‘enter’ link should link to your Multi Site FPA and the ‘exit’ link should go to a program such as the ARS Discreet Browser tour page.

    Menu Page.

    This should be a page containing an odd sized banner, links to your 5 gallery pages, plus text links at the bottom of the page ideally, these text links should be in the same style as the niche tables we created for the surfer trap except they should only contain 4 cells instead of 8. These links should go to a different ‘niche’ as the one you are building your current site for and, link to the existing FPA’s of your surfer trap.

    Gallery Pages.

    On your gallery pages, ALL of the thumbnails should be linked to the relevant HTML page with a text link at the top and at the bottom of the HTML page (No Banners are to be used on the gallery pages!) Also, the file names of the images should be pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg, etc for the full sized images and, thumb1.jpg, thumb2.jpg etc for the thumb nailed images. your images MUST be named this way!!

    Multi Site FPA.

    This should link to the individual FPA’s that you should already have on your server if you followed the surfer trap tutorial series (If you did not create this surfer trap the tutorials can be found at this link) as well as linking to the Single Site FPA’s this should also have a ‘no thank you’ link which goes to your Menu Page.


    You need to have 50 images, you also need to have 50 thumbnails for the content you will be using on this site. I usually select my content by the niche I am building for, rename the images using The Rename then, once renamed I use Thumbnailer from Smaller Animal to create the thumbnails for each of the renamed images. This will give you 50 full sized pictures with 50 thumbnails named respectively for the larger image.

    They are the basics, now onto the good stuff…

    Once you have created these pages you need to create some folders on your Hard Drive which will be the SAME structure you will have on your server. This folder structure should look somewhat like this once you have saved each of the pages we have just created into their respective sub folders:

    FreeSite/Galleries/gallery1.html, gallery2.html, gallery3.html, etc, etc.
    FreeSite/Images/pic1.jpg, etc.
    FreeSite/Images/Thumbs/thumb1.jpg, etc.
    FreeSite/PicPage/picpage1.html, picpage2.html, etc.

    This will give you 5 folders with HTML pages in them, one folder with the full sized images, one with thumbnails in it and five empty folders.

    At this point we will end the first stage in this tutorial as this should take you a couple of hours to complete.

    Article written by Le

  • Mirroring Adult Sites – Stage Four

    Date: 2011.02.23 | Category: Promotion, Tutorials | Response: 0

    We are now going to take our basic template and start to make some pages for the link lists for this you will need to open up your original warning page. Once you have this page open you need to visit a couple of the link lists that you use. Go to the submissions page of the link list and download their reciprocal buttons.

    In the same way that we did with the TGP pages we created you now need to edit the warning page you have open and insert the recip links on your warning page, ideally and, as most link lists will require this, the recip links should be placed above the enter and exit links.

    Once you have done this, you now need to save your newly edited page as linklist1.html in the /FreeSite/LinkList/ folder, do this for as many of the link lists that you wish to submit to, each time saving the new page in the /FreeSite/LinkList/ folder.

    Also at this stage, we should add a console to our link list page, ideally a blur console with links going to your surfer trap FPA’s. You can find the Java coding to create a blur console on the tutorial about building a surfer trap.

    Once we have done this, we now have some more sites created. However, this time, the page/s we have just created are designed to build the traffic we have to our site/s.

    Once you have these pages saved you now need to re-open your original warning page once more.

    This time, we are going to optimize the page for the search engines, again, in the same way we added our ALT tags on the surfer trap we are going to add them to the warning page however, we are also going to optimize our keywords, description and, site title.

    Once we have optimized our original warning page we should now save this as se1.html in the /FreeSite/Engine/ folder we created at the start of this tutorial. Once one SE page has been created, you need to create a selection of others making sure that you swap around the meta tags to ensure they are all different to each other, I would suggest making three variations of these SE pages each time saving them in the /FreeSite/Engine/ folder.

    The next thing we are going to do is to ‘dirty’ these SE pages up some more, pretty much in the same manner as we did with the surfer trap tutorial. What we need to do is add a small pop up console to the three SE pages along with a blur console, these consoles can be the same ones that we used for our surfer trap or, we can create new ones however, I think the smart thing to do would be if we used the ones we currently have online. So once we have added these consoles we need to save the pages.

    Also, to these SE pages we should add our Banner exchange code, as these will be going into the search engines there are no rules as to what we can and can not do on these SE pages so we should make sure that even if they just get one hit, we get additional traffic from them. By adding a banner exchange code as we did on the surfer tutorial we can drive additional traffic either to our sites or to our surfer trap, where you send this traffic is your choice. If you want to sign up for our new banner exchange you can find it at http://www.pornclient.com.

    Now we have the completed site template built. We need to submit the pages and sites we have just completed to the TGP’s, AVS’s, Link Lists and, the Search Engines.

    Once we have submitted these sites all that we need to do to create a new set of sites is to find another set of 50 images, rename the images as we did at the start of this tutorial, pic1.jpg, thumb1.jpg etc and simply upload the site to our server without the full size images and the thumbnails. Once the HTML pages are online, we now have to upload the full size images and the thumbnails and we have a set of sites using different content to our original one built in less than 5 minutes.

    The best thing with these sites is that if a any time we want to alter the layout, all we need to do is edit the HTML of the version we have saved on our HD and we have a new template ready to use.

    I hope you have found some use out of this tutorial and, I am sure you can think of other ways in which we can use templates of this style, this tutorial was just detailing some of the basics however, we can make the template as simple or as complicated as we like. Our only limits are what we make for ourselves.

    Article written by Lee

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