Building A Surfer Trap – Stage 6
Stage 6 already!
Only 2 more stages to go after this tutorial until you have a fully functional surfer trap!
Ok as promised in the last tutorial, we are going to implement the table pages you hopefully made in our last tutorial.
You now need to signup for ANOTHER counter code. Use the same counter as you did last time and, again, make sure the URL you send the traffic from the counter to is your main Multi-Site FPA surfer trap page.
Ok, you have the new counter code, what you should do with this is place it on every one of the niche table pages we made yesterday. Nowhere else except on these pages.
Once you have the counter code placed you now need to go back to our consoles, what we are going to do is make these HTML table pages into a secondary console from off the first pop up that we get when a surfer visits any of our FPA’s.
What you should do is enter the following coding in between the <head> and </head> tags of the niche pop-ups ensuring that you choose a DIFFERENT niche to the one of your original consoles:
<SCRIPT language=Javascript>
var exit=true;
function exitcnsl()
if (exit)
open(“http://www.yourdomain.com/tableconsolepage.html”, “tables”,”toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0, scrollbars=0,resizable=0, width=800,height=600,top=0,left=0″);
<!—— END CONSOLE CODE ——->You need to edit the figures for width= and height= to reflect the size of your table, ideally the frame of the console should be around 3 or 4 pixels either side of your tables.
Ok now once you have added the above to your existing pop-ups you now need to add the following to the newly created table consoles between the <head> and the </head> tags:
<SCRIPT language=javascript>
</script>What this will do is once the first console loads, it will immediately load a second console but, this second console should be ‘hidden’ behind the main window that is displayed. We have created a blur console.
We now have one last thing to do with this ‘blur console’ that we have just created.
Go to the HTML coding for the table ad console and add the same JavaScript to that page however, this time you DO NOT need to use the self.blur section of the instructions or, change the sizes of the console that pops.
Instead you need to add the following to the <body> tag:
onUnload=”exitcnsl()” so as an example your body tag may look like this:
<BODY BGCOLOR=#000000 onUnload=”exitcnsl()”>
Now you also need to alter the location for the console that will pop this time, you have a choice, you can send the console directly to the ARS POTD program or, you can send it BACK to your Multi-Site FPA page, at which point the surfer will be able to select another niche or leave your site.
Now remember, this surfer trap IS aggressive however, every time one of your counter codes load both from the FPA’s where we implemented them AND on the newly created table consoles we are gaining extra traffic.
If you have ANY questions at all please do not hesitate to post on the forums and myself or one of our administrators will assist you.
Article written by Lee
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