Formatting HTML Text Using Tags
Formatting HTML Text Using Tags.
As we know there are many elements to a website from graphics to text. In this article we are going to have a closer look at text and, more importantly how we format the text to look like we want it to.The text of the HTML pages we create, as you already know goes inside the <body> tag of our HTML pages but, unless you are using a WYSIWYG editor you can not just click a button and make it appear bold or italic therefore we need to get to know some of the text property tags that can be used to enhance our HTML text. Lets take a look at some of these now.
<b> Any text inside these two tags will appear bold on our page</b>
<i> Any text inside these two tags will appear in italic on our page</i>
<u> Any text inside these two tags will appear to be underlined on our page</u>
<big> Any text inside these two tags will appear BIG on our page</big>
<small> Any text inside these two tags will appear small on our page</small>
<sub> Any text inside these two tags will appear subscript on our page</sub>
<sup> Any text inside these two tags will appear as superscript on our page</sup>There are also things called ‘heading tags’ these will work the same as the formatting tags mentioned above however there are only six of them and they look like this <hx> with the x being replaced by a number from 1-6 the lower this number is in the tag the LARGER our text will become so for example:
<h1> Will be the largest heading text</h1>
<h2> Will be the next smallest heading tag</h2>
<h3> Will be smaller again </h3>
<h4> Will be one size smaller again</h4>
<h5> Will be the second to smallest heading size</h5>
<h6> Is the smallest of the heading tags</h6>Also, you should remember that it *IS* possible to use more than one of the text tags in any single line of portion of text on our web page so for example, if i wanted to have bold underlined italic text my tags for the text would look like this:
<b><i><u>This text is bold, in italics, and underlined</u></i></b>
You will notice from the above example that the tags were opened and closed in the same order they were created this doesn’t have to be done like this but, in the long run, it is easier for you as a webmaster to code your pages this way.
Hopefully this article has given you a further understanding on how we can format out text and you will be bale to put this into practice on the next site you build.
Article written by Lee
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