• Utilizing All The Content You Use On TGP Galleries!

    Date: 2011.02.24 | Category: TGP | Tags:

    Utilizing All The Content You Use On TGP Galleries!

    For the last few months i have been experimenting with a few new (but old, if ya see what i mean) ideas.

    Basically i have adapted Voltars 3x3x3 project slightly and incorporated it into the TGP/TGP2 game.

    The results have given me some of the best sales ratios ever! We’re talking under 1:60 almost consistently across all sponsors!!

    What you did is thus….

    Design a NICE 15 pic tgp gallery in a table preferably four rows high and 5 columns across.

    In the first row place one thumb in each cell (5 pics).
    In the second row place one odd sized banner in the first cell and merge cells 2,3 , 4 and, 5.
    In the cells you have merged place some descriptive text about the pics you are using in under two paragraphs and include a line of text where you MENTION the sponsors site name.
    In row 3 place one thumb in each cell (5 pics).
    in row 4 place on thumb in each cell (5 pics).
    under the table place a juicy text link.
    below this juicy text link leave a line or two and add a money bar (one row by three columns using a contrasting color to the background of your gallery page).
    ALL pics go on html pages using the same layout as your main TGP page but, without the table included.
    Repeat this process 4 times once for four different niches, saving each niche in their own sub folder for the main site i.e:

    url/sub folder/niche 1
    url/sub folder/niche 2
    url/sub folder/niche 3
    url/sub folder/niche 4

    You should now have 4 TGP galleries using 15 pics on each in four niches (60 pics in total).

    At the top of each of these main pages place a three cell one row table.

    in this table use text links to describe each niche i.e:


    in the template for the teen niche you use text for the gay, lesbian and, mature templates and link these to the appropriate TGP template.

    This is where the fun begins…..

    Take all four TGP niche galleries you have just made and do the following….

    Delete the first row of cells (including pics) on all TGP galleries and save the new page layout in another folder using the same navigation structure as the original ie:

    url/sub folder 2/niche1
    url/sub folder 2/niche2

    You should now have the following:

    four TGP templates consisting of 15 pics each.
    four TGP templates consisting of 10 pics each.

    Again, link these new 10 pic templates to each other in the same way as you did the 15 pic templates.

    Repeat this procedure to make the 10 pic TGP page using the original TGP page BUT, this time, delete the bottom row of cells.

    You now have the following:

    4 niche 15 pic TGP pages
    4 niche 10 pic TGP pages
    ANOTHER 4 niche 10 pic TGP pages

    Still with me?

    Its gets better….

    Take your original 15 pic TGP template and do the following…

    Delete the first and the third row of cells including all the pics and save them in ANOTHER folder using the same structure as before i.e:

    url/sub folder 3/niche 1
    url/ sub folder 3/niche 2

    Again link these in the same way as before using the text links at the top of the pages.

    What do you have now?

    4 TGP pages using 15 pics
    8 TGP pages using 10 pics
    4 TGP2 pages using 5 pics

    Can you guess what’s next?

    Take that original template again and…

    Remove the first and fourth row of cells do the same when you save it as you have done above…

    What do you have?

    4 TGP pages using 15 pics
    8 TGP pages using 10 pics
    8 TGP2 pages using 5 pics

    Do it once more using the original templates but removing the final set of 2 rows of cells you now have…

    4 TGP pages using 15 pics
    8 TGP pages using 10 pics
    16 TGP2 pages using 5 pics

    In the root of the domain where you are going to upload these pages do the following…

    Create a simplistic warning page… link this to a multi site FPA… this multi site FPA links to each of the niche (15 pic) TGP templates you have made.

    On this same fpa place an email erotica collection box, banner exchange code and a toplist counter code along with an exit console going to a MC POTD program.

    Now, what you need to do is start submitting these pages to the TGP/TGP2’s submit one a day or as many as you can until you have submitted them all.

    Ok still here?

    Next you have to duplicate ALL of the above again.

    Place the duplicate of the above into a separate set of folders/sub domains etc.

    On the new root you have created, link to another multi site FPA AND the first root index.html page.

    You now have the makings of an EXCLUSIVE 3x3x3 TGP hub which, you can leave alone and submit all of the pages intermittently to any TGP/TGP2 you wish for LIFE!!

    All the time you are adding new sections to it and building your link pop in the search engines because you are continually interlinking to each of the separate niche and relevant sub niche folders.

    Of course, you NEED to get the meta’s sorted on the first main template for this to work but, if you change all subsequent meta descriptions etc you’ll have a very reasonable listing in Google for the relevant search terms :)

    Article written by Lee