• Building A Surfer Trap – Stage 7

    Date: 2011.02.21 | Category: Traffic | Tags:

    Here we go with Stage 7 in this Surfer Trap tutorial.

    We should by now have a rather complex looking surfer trap, pop up consoles and blur consoles on all of the pages within it, all of these same pages interlinking each other indefinitely.

    So, we are starting to get some traffic to this beauty from our existing sites and the counters we implemented but, how can we get some more traffic for FREE?

    What I suggest we do next to this little baby is to add a banner exchange code to EACH of the FPA’s we have and also, onto the larger table console we created.

    You should sign up for one banner exchange code for this trap, you might like to search around for a banner exchange that lets you have a decent ratio of impressions.

    Once you have signed up for your banner exchange code, you now need to copy this coding into the BOTTOM of all of your FPA HTML pages including the Multi-Site FPA.

    Now you have the banner exchange code on your site you are earning credits. Your account may not be activated for a day or so but, what this means is you are earning credits the entire time you are showing banners on your Surfer Trap.

    Now we have the banner exchange code on our sites we only have one further step to take in order for this project to be completed.

    Making sure it works how it is supposed too along with fine tuning this little beast.

    If you have any further questions or comments please post on the forums here and one of us will be able to help you.

    Article written by Lee.